No nonsense results with reliable and affordable access to justice.

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The following is contact information to important organizations and regulatory bodies for quick reference.  This list is by no means exhausted.  More organizations will added on an ongoing basis.

Law Society of Upper Canada

General Inquiries:
Toll-free: 1-800-668-7380
General line: 416-947-3300
TTY: 416-644-4886
Fax: 416-947-3924
Toll-free fax: 1-877-947-3924
Email: [email protected]

Mailing address and directions
The Law Society of Upper Canada Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N6

Department of Justice

General Inquiries:
Telephone: 613-957-4222
TDD/TTY: 613-992-4556
Fax: 613-954-0811
Email: [email protected]

Mailing address:
Department of Justice Canada 284 Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0H8

Public Access to Justice

1507 Yonge Street
PO BOX 15006
Toronto Ontario M4T 1Z0
phone to: 416-229-1479
Fax: 416-229-0017

Ontario Ministry of Labour
Employment Standards Information Centre
GTA: 416-326-7160
Canada-wide: 1-800-531-5551

TTY: 1-866-567-8893
Toll-free: 1-877-202-0008
TTY: 1-855-653-9260
Fax: 905-577-1316

Landlord and Tenant Board
416-645-8080 from within the Toronto calling area, or
Toll-free at 1-888-332-3234 from outside Toronto

Regional Office Locations and Fax Numbers:

Hamilton – Southern Regional Office
119 King Street West, 6th Floor
Hamilton, Ontario  L8P 4Y7
Fax No. 905-521-7870 or 1-866-455-5255

London – Southwestern Regional Office
150 Dufferin Avenue, Suite 400
London, Ontario  N6A 5N6
Fax No. 519-679-7290 or 1-888-377-8813

Mississauga – Central Regional Office
3 Robert Speck Parkway, Suite 520
Mississauga, Ontario  L4Z 2G5
Fax No. 905-279-7286 or 1-888-322-2841

Ottawa – Eastern Regional Office
255 Albert Street, 4th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 6A9
Fax No. 613-787-4024 or 1-888-377-8805

Sudbury – Northern Area Office
199 Larch Street, Suite 301
Sudbury, Ontario  P3E 5P9
Fax No. 705-564-4118 or 1-866-410-1399 

Greater Toronto Region

East District Office
2275 Midland Avenue, Unit 2
Toronto, Ontario  M1P 3E7
Fax No. 416-314-8649 or 1-888-377-8808

North District Office

47 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 700
Toronto, Ontario  M2N 5X5
Fax No. 416-314-9567

South District Office
79 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 212
Toronto, Ontario  M4T 1M6
Fax No. 416-326-9838 

 Canadian Legal Information Institute
Canadian Legal Information Institute
World Exchange Plaza
1810 – 45 O’Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1A4  

Canadian Legal Research 

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

Richard Hennessy
Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
655 Bay Street, 14th floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2A3

Phone: 416-326-1519
Toll-free: 1-866-598-0322
TTY: 416-326-2027
TTY Toll-free: 1-866-607-1240

Fax: 416-326-2199
Toll-free: 1-866-355-6099

E-mail: [email protected]  

Immigration & Refugee Board of Canada

National Headquarters
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

Minto Place, Canada Building
344 Slater Street, 12th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0K1

Telephone: 613-995-6486
Fax: 613-943-1550

Toronto(RPD, RAD, IAD)
74 Victoria Street
Suite 400
Toronto, Ontario M5C 3C7

Telephone: 416-954-1000
Telephone: 1-866-790-0581 (RAD)
Fax: 416-954-1165 (RPDIAD)
Fax: 416-954-1511 (RAD)
Fax: 416-744-4274 (IDToronto

(ID)385 Rexdale Blvd.
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9W 1R9Telephone: 416-401-8578
Fax: 416-401-8572

Niagara Falls(ID)

NOTE: All refugee and appeal claim submissions should be sent to the Toronto office:

6080 McLeod Road
Unit #15
Niagara Falls, Ontario
L2G 7T4Telephone: 416-954-1000 

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board  

Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Selection of an office near you is available from this URL.  

Licensed Paralegal Association of Ontario 

Paralegal Society of Ontario 


HillCowan Legal Services Professional Corporation is a licensed member
in good standing with the Law Society of Upper Canada. The Law Society of Upper Canada logo is a trademark owned by The Law Society of Upper Canada.
